Monday, January 12, 2009


Do any of you do weird stuff in the name of organization or management that really make no sense? For instance, I must have the digital reading of the volume to the TV numbers to be even like 20 or 22 or 28 or 30. I never set it on an odd number. Who knows why? It just seems to sound better that way!

I sit in a room on purpose and never realized it until just recently of my strange patterns. In Bible classes I sit on the outer edge of the seats as I don't want to be noticed. I know...odd because I act up all of the time which certainly causes notice.

An hour later in the worship assembly I intentionally...mandatorily a law to my own self...sit in the center so I can be as close to everyone (the whole group en mass) as possible. Yet, at airports, I sit always on the edge of the rows of seats. A few months back Mary and I sat over against the wall at church and I felt far removed from those on the other side of the auditorium.

On Monday mornings the elders and staff meet at 6:30 surrounding a long table. For years I sat at the end of the table nearest the door. But I decided that was the head of the table so I moved to the other end to remind myself during our meetings that as opinions and power are valued, I am at the foot. No one would know (until now) that I have a method for sitting in a room.

So I'm weird! What quirky thing do you do that makes sense to you....and nobody else?


III said...

I'll testify to the volume quirk. And I have different preferred settings whether I'm using the TV for sound or whether I click on the surround sound. But I'm pretty particular about it.

Anonymous said...

Chris thinks this explains soooo much: ironing everything down to socks, making sure there's even # of beats in a song, starting my grocery list over if someone else writes on it, making the bed before I get in. Is that so wrong?

Anonymous said...

My wife and I both do the volume thing. Even numbers or multiples of five.

I always sit in restaurants with my back to the wall so I can see the whole room, or next to window, both preferably. Never with my back to the room, it just makes me very uncomfortable.

No matter how short my shopping list, I always go down every aisle. I always go to the back and start my way forward. This is only at the grocery store, not Wal-Mart or other stores.

In staff meetings I used to try to never sit in the same seat twice in a row. We liked to do the same when we were in a larger congregation.

Anonymous said...

My sister reminded me of one more. I'm a preacher and have far too many Bibles. I like to read different translations. That's not the quirk, though. The quirk, she says, is that I always seem to match my Bible with what I'm wearing.

Anonymous said...

Comes from ministering to a bunch of "ODD ducks" all the time???