Thursday, January 15, 2009


Surely everyone feels the spiritual tug to align themselves with some others. The all-too-familiar pendulum starts to swing and we are urged to pick our poison by stopping it on our view of truth. Some criticize saying there is error because believers have left doctrine for Jesus.

I think that to be a rather strange assessment. It is Jesus who shifts the doctrine. As I see it we do not have either or; doctrine or Jesus, but we have the right doctrine because of Jesus. Isn't that right? Didn't he speak of specifics? Love others. Be merciful. Don't lay up for yourselves treasures except in heaven. Seek first the kingdom of God. On and on he went.....still goes.

Are these not doctrines he anticipates to be among those of us who follow him? It seems to me that doctrine is important because he emphasized it. What might be the rub is there were favorite hang-ups some churches/members had in the past that didn't come from the Bible and were never expressed by Jesus. If these are the ones being pendulumized then ah......this explains the disturbance.

By the way, it is a doctrine of Jesus to cause disturbance. He will separate father from son; mother from daughter. Pendulum watchers imply the right place is in the middle. Wrong. The virgin birth isn't a middle concept. The cross is not a middle-of-the-road event. The resurrection did not please the middle-of-the-roaders.

Nope, the wisdom of the pendulum is a faulty source. Stick with Jesus. He will give you doctrine from above. Doctrine definitely matters because Jesus taught it. And make clear note, what Jesus did and taught was extreme. It was never mediocre nor middle-ground safety.

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