Wednesday, December 03, 2008


May we hear the call of Christ to rally the troops and hit an argumentative, negative, and complaining world philosophy right in the nose. There is much to live for and more to die for. A world in agony pleads for someone(s) not to give up. I say these can count on the Christian community.

Henri Nouwen said, Still the revolutionary believes that the situation is not irreversible and that a total reorientation of mankind is just as possible as is a total self-destruction. Revolutionaries see the plight of mankind and choose to do something about it. Upheaval may be rampant, but Christian upheaval triumphs over the dark side of things.

Bombings in one land and betrayals in another coupled with fear tactics of many can build a case for fright in the strongest of hearts. The darker the threats build the brighter the promises arise according the Jesus. Don’t forget Paul and Silas were caught in a hard place and revolted. They rebelled with voices of praise in song when none would have blamed them for belly-aching. We want to receive their torch for authentic freedom. We are free to praise God even when shackled by various and powerful miseries. Nothing can take away our spirit of revolution to face darkness head-on and punch it right in the nose….with a glorious song of hope!

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