Sunday, December 07, 2008


It is so encouraging to be involved in the kingdom of the God who lives big! He thinks big, acts big, and saves big! He is big!

I have learned over the years to see God in more than an evangelistic Bible study. Once I felt that if our efforts didn't end with a baptism it wasn't good enough to be considered of much use. When I began to pick up on God'S enormous interests (sparrows and hairs and nameless boys with lunch sacks), I grew to understand everything and every opportunity matters.

Our God is big!

He works. He provides. He supplies. He delivers. He rescues. He saves.

Be encouraged that every effort done in the name of Jesus continues a lineage of God's handiwork which really counts. Baptisms count. So does prayer. So does contentment. So does kindness. So does thoughtfulness. So does mercy. God wastes no crumb. He gives our walk in the garden of His grace incredible delight. We move about in marvel; not of ourselves, but of Him. How can He do so much? How can He be so amazing? Just as Jesus explained, through His Spirit power overwhelms.

Good for God! Happy are we!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May God open our eyes and hearts to the multi-faceted grace of God wherein "cups of water placed in our hands" and people robbed by bullies and ignored by religious folks--all provide opportunities to show and see "glimpses of glory". Such is more "evangelistic" than answering 20 questions about baptism.