Friday, December 26, 2008


My flaws are many, several, and numerous. Worse yet, God knows more of them than even I am aware of. Walking on eggshells is usually a negative connotation. But there is one positive one, at least, where all need to tread very carefully. We must perpetually guard against our own pride. The good eggshells are being terribly careful not to slip onto the trail of pride. I fear my gear of operation is usually set there.

Pride ruins all of us. I suppose it is mankind's true nemesis as pride insists upon hitching a ride to every event. Two guys were praying. One was tickled to death--- possibly died in it---that he was not as bad as the other while they both prayed. The other knew his counterpart wasn't lying. He was bad. Yet, God justified the humble one and would not do the same for the one full of self-satisfaction.

Have you ever been proud you are Church of Christ and not Baptist? Have you ever been proud you are not like those in the certain-kind-of Church of Christ? Have you ever thanked God you aren't as dumb and foolish and ridiculous as others? We see this trait as a terrible mistake in political government. The audacity that others are fools when we are not finds politicians in need of a good dose of eggshell walking. The same mistake is made in the church....any brand.

I guess this pride thing will be a burden for me all the way to my grave. But I don't want it to be. We must be alert to the sting of this villain who insists upon driving our lives. And should you be one who is proud that you aren't proud, you too need good eggshells. Pride: a real problem for believers. Walk more carefully.


Anonymous said...

Excellent post, and sorely needed. Galatians 6:1-5 tells the spiritual to gently restore those who are caught in a sin. It warns the spiritual against temptation, but it doesn't necessarily say temptation to the SAME sin as the one being restored, which is the way this passage is often taught (i.e. that we'll be tempted to drunkeness if we go down to the bar to minister to alcoholics).

I see that at least one temptation of the more spiritual in this passage is indeed pride (and arrogance, judgment, and condemnation as well). Seems that verse 3 speaks to those spiritual ones being called to restore the "sinner", that in our restoration of others, we are to guard against haughtiness.

Verse 4 speaks of pride, but Godly pride, NOT pride in comparison to others. Rather, in comparison to God and being at peace with HIM in our dealings with each other. For the moment we consider ourselves better than another, we are indeed guilty of the very same condition before God.

Liz Moore said...

Thank you so much for this reminder. I think we will all be battling this until the grave. I am grateful for God's reminders through servants like you. Love you friend!