Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I love being in the church. Not everything is fun and full of joy because real life in the church includes the cross-like elements which are most pertinent. Yet, the direction and the thrust of the work of the church is vibrant with hope due to the enduring nature of Jesus.

What does the future hold for the church? Well, it would seem two opposites. For the part of the church which insists upon denying the active Spirit of God, there will be a growing cause to fight what is perceived as false doctrine only to notice the graying of the members (age-wise) and a loss in numbers. The other group which acknowledges the truth of the Word regarding Spirit involvement will ever be learning God's masterful and mysterious ways. The former will be church from flesh engrossed with argument and ever stuck within its own strength. The latter will note a new normal; a harmony of work and faith, hope and promise.

Neither will be without sin. Both must rely on the bloodstained cross as beggars like in need of crumbs of grace. Both groups will find desperate need for His mercy and grace. But one will find life and love and hope because that's what God does among His people. The other will live fearful they got something wrong and disgusted with those they mistakenly believe to surely be wrong.

Life in Christ to the maximum level is what the church should hunger for! May we hunger to find the righteousness Jesus provides for we are unable to do so on our own. The future of the church? It will depend on where we decide to place our faith. I would urge you to build a faith based on an active God with the understanding the most any of us know to this point is probably less than 1% of total Truth.


Anonymous said...

Trite but true--Forget about the future of the churches of Christ. Your job remains to lift up the Christ and if indeed, he is head, he'll bless/rebuke/remove candlestick of His body. "The Lord added to the church" is far different in meaning/worry/joy/concern than "the church added to the Lord." (I remember hearing you speak at PRSOP about "Until Christ is formed in you."--Same assignment is valid today!)

Nellie said...

Please keep preaching this. I need to hear it every day!

Anonymous said...

"The future of the church? It will depend on where we decide to place our faith."

I believe that statement will prove to be true.