Strong opinions had built up. Somebody needed to say something. Finally, our small group did it. We couldn't take it any longer. We just had to call them in. So, we called the elders into our home and gave them a piece of our minds tonight. Whew! It was some scene!
Tonight at our house was a wonderful setting. Our small group consisting of eight couples brought pies and cakes as we gathered to tell the elders exactly what we think of them. And we did!
It was, in my opinion, a benchmark moment. All sixteen spoke in abundance as their hearts were each filled with praise and thankfulness for what our guys do for this flock. All sixteen had much to say. In reality much was left unsaid which needed to be said; but after an hour and half we felt maybe that was enough for one night.
Fortunately for Memorial Drive, our elders are as grateful for the flock as the flock is for the shepherds. Everyone was touched by the outpouring of grace and love. These men and their wives deserved hearing what wonderful work they do. We are a blessed congregation as these allow God to work with them, in them, through them.
Memorial Drive isn't the only special church in town or in the scheme of things. It is, though, one of His happy ones! We enjoy noting the "out of the blue" experiences God hands to us week after week. In reality, there is so much of God among us we hardly know how to comment. But for one evening, I must say it was a real joy to observe our elders and their wives as they were bombarded with intense and highly deserved accolades.
It might be a good idea if other congregations would consider giving their elders a piece of their minds! It built us up....I know that for sure.
Way over to the Northeast of you, is a congregation in New Jersey who have incredible shepherds. Yes! In the Northeast there is a body of believers who are growing and thriving because of the wonderful shepherding that is taking place. I thank GOD for the elders of the Pitman church of Christ in Pitman, NJ.
The church website is:
Great post! I had the very blessed experience of dropping in at the end of an Elder's meeting a few weeks ago at our congregation. It was unannounced, and opportunity presented itself providentially to be able to address all of the men together, and I struggled with whether to step out and sieze the moment, or let it slip away. It's something I'd been thinking about for a while, and I knew I would regret NOT doing it.
So I stepped in as their meeting had just concluded, and similarly "gave them a piece of my mind" with encouragement and blessing. Indeed they were blessed, but, turns out, I was the one that was blessed as well. They all gathered around, laid on their hands, and prayed over me. This blessing thing definitely goes both ways, and there is never too much to go around. It's intimate, deep, and deeply appreciated.
Thanks again for the post.
I love reading about the love and joy in your church family. It is certainly a model for all of us.
Happy Thanksgiving.
In my tradition it is Priests and Bishops, but still they work very hard and are often under apreciated. What a great post.
What a great idea!!! I'm going to pass this along to our small group and hopefully we can find a time to give our shepherds a piece of our mind. They are so deserving of many blessings! Happy Thanksgiving Friend!
Maybe some day there will be a group wanting to let the preacher know what they think of him!
No, not the kind of group that normally lets the preacher know what they think of him, but THIS kind of group that met with your elders.
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