Friday, September 26, 2008


The body of Christ is suffering from paralysis of spirit. We are afraid. We fear we will fail. We fear the unknown. We fear fear. Safety has become our conventional wisdom which was never ushered in by the Word nor exemplified by the Word-become-flesh. Jesus was immaculately capable in every setting significantly because fear was not a part of his make-up.

Fear chokes personal growth. I’m not sure if I had not been thrust into public ministry if I would have done much differently myself. I did not know what to do as minister. Complications set in when any inkling of what to do was next approached by the not knowing how to do it. It is just so much safer to stay back, but because action was expected of me in this field, I was forced to move forward. I had to learn how to teach a Bible class….when I just couldn’t do it. I had to learn how to do weddings and funerals when I could barely breath. For many in the church, they are not forced as I was so they opt for the easier route.

What’s happening? For certain we have many celebrating the wonderful life of mystery in the kingdom. However, there may be a few great ministries as a well as the members possessing powerful gifts which never come off of the pew simply as a result of hesitancy. The world is being robbed of gigantic heroes because these never risk in order to become anything more than “at least they didn’t fail” and “at least they caused no embarrassment”. I urge you to move out into the unsafe regions of kingdom service. Yes, you’ll fail at times and such is of most important value. It is called growing up.

Let’s work together on becoming fearless.


Anonymous said...

terrific reminder! thanks Terry =)

Vasca said...

Fear immobilizes ~ Winston Churchill's famous words "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" ring true. God's on our side so? Fear is so...fearful. In choral contests, I always sang a solo...senior year did Ave Maria (in Latin yet) and I shook so violently that my heels clicked time on the floor! Aagh! (I think I must have been born trembling) Fearful of everything, name it, I feared it. So many are just like I once was...but you know what? Something wonderful came over me...I attended my own funeral and voila! Why did I wait sooooo long? Because I was terrified to walk down an aisle and confess Jesus ~ silly. I didn't know you could do that any time other than a full blown service. But? My courage didn't develop overnight...little by little He strengthened me until I did things I never dreamed possible. He took a very ordinary, frightened person and did extraordinary things with and for me. He's totally captured me and I've not a shred of fear left. Thanks, Terry...for your candor and wisdom!