Monday, August 25, 2008


Okay young leaders, let's talk. Are you watching the Democratic National Convention this week and will you see the Republican one next week? If so, pay attention. God is there with His brilliance. Don't miss Him. You are a leader of the greatest kingdom on earth. Don't just watch the conventions or complain about them. Go to school. See God in them.

Here's what I see. Note the speakers. What is their main job? To inspire! What is one of our great works? We lead to inspire the church. Therefore, we will do well to pay attention. How do they do it? What do they say? What is the setting?

These conventions are designed to inspire, promote, and to persuade. Are we not about the same task; yet with even greater significance? Then watch with intrigue and even hunger to see how we might become even more effective. Study those who connect well and those who don't. Learn from their successes and their failures. Hone in on the successful traits.

The conventions are presented by enormous energy. Why should the church take the back seat to enthusiasm and drive? Why should the kingdom of God be assumed to possess smaller vision? We are God's. He knows how to do things. May the church continue its legacy of believing nothing is impossible to God. May earth's conventions pale to the gathering of the church whenever we choose to meet. May we be THE convention!

Study the events at Denver this week, my friend. God is there!


Anonymous said...

I don't disagree but I am cautious--Conventions, "Billy Graham style" of church can blind us to "Mother Teresa style" Christianity and appreciation that earthquakes, hurricanes and fires are not as loud and powerful as a still small voice.

Anonymous said...

If you link to the address below you will be introduced to America's Independent Party.

As of right now, I do not seek to persuade you about politics, just to inform you of opportunities! Sincerely, Jim Cooke

Anonymous said...

I'd like to second what the first Anonymous said, only I'll add my name :) .