Saturday, July 12, 2008


Tomorrow is another Sunday. I believe all of my readers are leaders. What kind of leader will your congregation find in you tomorrow morning? Will you be upbeat? Will you be full of God? Will you appear alive? These and other believing traits are very important because we are each fire igniters.

In my earlier days of preaching (you’ll be ashamed of me) I preached to the sour-pusses. I charged the naysayers head on. The problem with this was…..a problem. I was not preaching the Good News. There was nothing good about it. I was giving nothing of food value to the earnest believers who assembled to be built up in love for good deeds. And, I was no different than those I was attacking; I was just as negative and blind.

Matters changed when I began preaching Jesus Christ instead of Church of Christ. Preaching our denomination will harden hearts. Preaching Jesus will tenderize them.

What kind of leader will your church find tomorrow? Let’s do what we can to let them rub shoulders with one who is full of gratitude, full of smiles, full of resurrection power, and full of life! Tomorrow we will spread a contagion of darkness or a contagion of light. As for me and my congregation, we will spread an epidemic of life!


Anonymous said...

You inspire me, friend! Thanks for practicing what you preach - no one is more full of life & God's resurrection power than you!

Anonymous said...

You continue giving "wow" moments...our society seems full of the negative...24/7; that only results in stomping sour grapes...I am a "very positive". There are far too many naysayers in the Church...Let's listen to the sounds of unity. love, all the goodness of Him...I want to be like Jesus Christ and His Father...all they represent. I want to be contagious light!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this powerful thought. It calls us all to think more fully about the attitude and spirit that we bring to Sunday mornings. Thank you for another worthy challenge.