Monday, June 16, 2008


Is it possible we don't know how good we have it 'til we lose it?

Just a few summers ago I preached a sermon which included the call to appreciate the gas prices at that time. They had escalated drastically and the nation was in a stew of agreeable complaint. I told the church to try not to complain for the day would come that such a seemingly exorbitant price would one day seem as a gas war. The price per gallon? $1.75.

It is possible we don't know how good we have it 'til we lose it.

I often thank God that I still have the health to drive my own car by myself to pay $3.76per gallon of gasoline. Last week when I filled up I stood there at the pump as meters raced by at a flying clip totalling $73.00. As I filled up I said in repeated and very loud voice, "God I praise you for this! I praise you for this!" Why? The day might come when if I could but pay $3.76 per gallon it would seem like a gas war!

We must keep pointing one another to the blessings. We must help see the Wow of Now! Yes, there are always matters going wrong and even more fear looms of other things which will foul. However, we must note the glories of God....NOW! I see His glory in so many things. Here are but a few:
  1. The door handle on the inside of my back-seat driver's side doesn't work....but the outside one does NOW.
  2. It just keeps raining and raining. But August is coming and I will thirst to soak in what I have everyday NOW.
  3. I'm ten pound overweight, but I'm also ten pounds lighter than being twenty pounds overweight NOW.
  4. I turn 61 this week and the word "retirement" concerns me more than it once did. I had high school friends who died in Viet Nam. They would have so enjoyed living long enough to face retirement NOW.
  5. I have many projects which fatigue my mind and leave me wondering if I can fulfill their goal. How many of my friends would love to have my job just one day....and I have it NOW.

Let's build the WOW OF NOW list. You would add.......................?


Kristi said...

Hi Terry,
This is Kristi Miller...the mom of your grandkids future spouses. :)
Our gas prices are 4.50+...but I am happy that the kids are small enough and my legs are strong enough that they can get in a trailer and I can pull them with my bike...NOW.
I love your posts. They are always so refreshing and encouraging.
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that pretty much whatever I'm involved with at a particular moment, it beats all to pieces being flat on my back in a hospital bed with an I.V. stuck in my arm . . .NOW.

Stoogelover said...

A dear friend of mine wrote a blog today about using her best china NOW instead of waiting for just the right moment. After all, now is all we have. Thanks for the encouragement! I hope your NOW (and your blogs) last a long time.

John said...

Pujols and Molina are hurt, but the Cards have still won two in a row NOW!