Friday, June 27, 2008


We live but are we really alive in the process? Iraneus wrote that the glory of God is man fully alive. I bask in the thought. Man alive brings life to whatever he applies himself to: employment, family, exercise, etc. Everything comes alive when an alive person is present. Church is never more alive than when really alive members form the congregation. One needs to know this because general life has suffered erosion and has been reduced to "getting by" or "just getting through the day".

I once believed the main call of God was to get men and women to go to heaven. Now I believe it is to be alive in both places; earth now and heavenly residence later. One must factor that the reason we are so alive on earth now is our citizenship is presently (not just future) in heaven. The reason I believe it is the contrast Jesus makes when he said, "The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly." Abundant life is his call.

How does Thief Life appear? Dismal. Can't see the good in anything. Doubtful. Rigid. Unforgiving. Incessant worry. Convinced if things are going to be done right self must oversee it. And Abundant Life? It is the opposite. Sharp. Visionary. Hopeful. Flexible. Has no interest in keeping track of offenses. Complete trust. Filled with grace that all things will work out even in the presence of attack, confusion, weariness, and death.

What makes the difference? One is of the Thief. The other is of the Christ. "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me." Let it be said of each of us that we possess abundant life and not robbed-by-the-thief life.

1 comment:

Richard said...

I know that often my answer to "How are things going?" is that Oh, I am getting by or just fine, I guess.
We need to remember that God has intended our lives to be full, and rich, and joyful. Each day that we wake up we need to thank God for the joy that we will experience and share on this day.