Thursday, May 08, 2008


I'm talking to believers in the Living God. Do you find yourself aggressive in applying God's gift of imagination in your work for Him? Or, have you found yourself slipping into a routine of "good enough...but nothing reflecting God" ministry. I want to cheer you on to the zone He insists and anticipates coming from us. He says He will do more than we can ask or imagine...Eph. 3:20-21. I loooove that!

In personal ministry I urge you to align your efforts according to His size and not that of another brother or sister. I will pray, "God what do you wish a preacher would realize that no one has thought to ask?" When I began praying such I began to notice the truth the Holy Spirit works in our lives, that celebrities too need to be reached, and it is possible for plain people to impact the entire world. I've had the weirdest and most wonderful opportunities arise. Simply strange!

Imagine. Whatever you can, God says He will trump. Go for it. When my kids were in Elementary and Junior High I would pray for their interviews once they reached adulthood. I would pray for doors to open so I could reach thousands on earth. It's not the size of our influence or our circle of friends which determines our impact. It's daring to imagine while the rest of the world rocks on its heels and plays Scrabble.

We are invited by the Living God to think as big as we can think and then promises to do more! Is that not an open invitation to a Faith Spree? Take inventory of needs in your life, your congregation, your circle, the entire world. Dream of what could be if. Begin to plan to walk through the very doors God opens to get you beyond your dream.

I once startled golfer Gary Player when I felt so sorry for him out there with only his caddy to talk to while he walked. About the 11th hole I stepped across the yellow rope and walked alongside him explaining I wouldn't stay long but just wanted to thank him for being so nice and coming to Tulsa. At first he was caught off guard and once he saw I was harmless he engaged in the very thing needed. He deserved a word of encouragement from a Christian man. We can do more than even we can imagine.

Imagine. Act on it. God will open the doors!


lisa foreman said...

This is so encouraging! I'm the local dreamer at my church. Good group of people. Would do fine without me. But what I want, ask for, and pray for is so much more. Sometimes I think the smoldering fire is about to light and sometimes I think I will end up wasting my life. The weight of it on my shoulders is so heavy at times but I won't quit unless God lets me know it's time to move on. Thank you for putting this into words -- I can tell you know what I mean about it even though I've never met you. God bless you! I'm sending this with tears.

Brenda said...

I love to dream. I think my problem at times is when I tell my dreams to my friends and I hear "Yeah...that will never happen". It gets to be discouraging.
This year I have been able to see that with some patience, my dreams can be fulfilled and are continuing to do so. Some of my dreams, are not meant for me to put into place. But doesn't mean I can't dream it!
Terry, you dream big! And I mean...REALLY BIG! Bigger than I feel I could ever imagine me dreaming. You dreamed that you would reach thousands...and I'm content with maybe a hundred. But what's hard for me to grasp is that with those hundreds, I'm reaching thousands because the word of God is spreading rapidly!

I remember in high school...some committee came around and asked "What is your life's ambition...what do you want to be when you grow up?"
My answer (which was published in the newpaper) was "I just want to make a difference"
I didn't care about college, or a career, or anything, I just wanted to do something that someone cared about.
That's a pretty big dream if you ask me. I think I have thought big, and God had overflowed me with joy as the things I have wanted Him do in my life.
You inspire me in being encouaging to other. I see so much of God in you and seeing you and hearing your stoies each week and each day make me want to go out and be the best encourager than I can be.
One of these days, I will make that difference and when it happens, all will hear! ;o)

tim rush said...

Hey Brenda, something you said really struck me. "Some of my dreams, are not meant for me to put into place. But doesn't mean I can't dream it!"

Reminded me of David wanting to build the temple. It was his dream, but not his to build. God had other plans.

So I say, keep talking about your dreams. Some may not be for you, but might inspire someone around you.