Sunday, February 17, 2008


Do you ever get over the startling fact that we actually work with the living God? I remain as nervous and tentative as ever. His ways seem to be so very far from mine. Yes, I've studied His Word and know a little of it by heart. Yes, I've been to seminars and put together a workshop on occasion. However, I can't seem to gain on God. Why is that?

Our knowledge of God is so small. He is surpasses measurement but our understanding of Him is fascinatingly piddly. As we absorb new facts and concepts about Him and His kingdom the only thing we seem to really gain is awareness that He surely is undiscoverable. Eternity in Heaven? It'll take 10,000 years just to catch our breath, another 10,000 to look over His entry way and who knows how long it will take to view the clips and the trailers from His production of Parting of the Red Sea. They say He has a later version filmed at the Jordan River is a real show stopper as well!

It is exciting to think God would desire to partner with any of us. We are so in over our heads. Regardless of our lack, His grace putties over our cracks, smooths our blemishes, and covers our rebellion. He is the Master of everything including people.

Don't be set back by any earthly comments or negative circumstances. We are so behind in catching up to our Partner God that we have little time for lesser distractions!


Anonymous said...

I heard one of my favorite speakers (Ravi Zacharias) say one time.."Too many times we are off doing the things we want to do and inviting God to come be a part of us, rather than looking for what God is doing and joining in on what He is finding glory in." I subscribe to the philosophy that God's gift to us is an unbelievable potential, and our gift to God is to go for that potential. You are true, God is truly a remarkable God, and yet I find myself wanting to do it all myself or even compete with God.

Anonymous said...

God is sooooooo good! What an awesomelife He gives us. I love it that He wants me to be His child.....I get shivers everytime I read or hear "my little children." If I just get out of the way, He will do with me what He wants. WOW!