Friday, February 01, 2008


A few weeks ago a most wonderful thing happened to me. I was headed for Monroe, LA. to film the 100% Natural Evangelism Seminar. The event in itself was surely thrilling. But a group decided to charter a bus and go with me which accelerated the charge many times over. I've said for years that groups traveling together for any event will gain much from the event, but much more from the being together along the way. It was true for us. We laughed. We shared. We connected. Paula Gray later told me she had intended to go all along, but finally had to make herself do it as she needed to get out of her world and get with others and into their lives.

March 27-29 is your opportunity to attend the Tulsa International Soul Winning Workshop and gather a group to come along with you. It's a huge family reunion and your trip could magnify such intent. Why not bring a couple or a van load or a charter to Tulsa?

Here is the website: On it you'll note:
  • A poster link you can print out for your lobby and classrooms.
  • A list of speakers and schedule.
  • Teen plans
  • Childcare
  • Motel list

PRAYER: Our Declaration of Dependence just might be something you and your congregation needs to experience. It might be time to extend your efforts to God's people all around. When I was making plans to film a group asked if they could go along. I was surprised anyone would want to go. Then they wanted to charter a bus and get others to go. I told them I didn't think anyone would sign up. 32 went and it was so exciting. What did I know? Maybe you think no one would want to go with you. Before you decide for them, maybe you should ask them.

This is a golden opportunity!

1 comment:

jackie chesnutt said...

Terry, Mackie and I attended the first 2 workshops while living in Texas; we made the treks with a large group, once in a motorhome and once in a Joy Bus. The fellowship bonds last a lifetime.

I spent almost half my ministry life in youth ministry. As uplifting as youth rallies were, as exciting as amusement parks were, as crazy as any event was, nothing brought people more than the time we spent on creaky, cranky buses. I still hear from young adults with kids of their own who remember those trips as the best times of their teenage years.

It would be great to see a line of travel buses pulling into the Fair Grounds. Thanks for the encouragment.