Friday, December 07, 2007


Yesterday nearly twenty staff members of eight area congregations met for lunch. Others in the area wanted to be there, but were interrupted in their schedule. It was a "preachers' luncheon". Ah, my keyboard would hardly go with me on that typing.

It was different than any such experience I've had in my 30+ years in Tulsa. There was unanimous respect and love and support. I was very moved. Marvin wept. He leaned over at one point and in broken sentence said, There "is" hope.

We discussed our various works. The body of Christ in Tulsa has a lot of rich labor being exerted in things that matter. I am personally so happy to see consistent interest by so many churches in giving Memorial Drive assistance with the workshop. It's been a long time coming, but I felt we would get there.

For the first time I sense such harmony among so many area preachers. Truly, my first two decades in this area were pretty rough. I don't know if these younger guys get the picture. Marvin and I do. We've never seen unity before. What a sight! Guys laughing and genuinely interested in one another...and not just a select few of one another....everyone was in the mix. No cheap shots. No rolling of the eyes. No sneering. Amazing joy! Moving joy! Sheer joy!


Anonymous said...

Your experience in practicing patience for God's timing in the fog post and the joy of this post go hand in hand. It is exciting to see eight congregations living in harmony.

Keep the faith,

JD said...

Amen! Unity is lovely!

Donna G said...

You know that sounds "heavenly".

Shane Coffman said...

It was the highlight of my day yesterday. What a great group of guys (and one gal)!

God's doing amazing things in Tulsa with this group.

drjimwhite said...

A few months ago we had a joint worship service with the Omaha Church of Christ, one of the ICOC churches. There was an electricity in the air. The worship was wonderful. The fellowship afterwards was so positive and so gratifying. Earlier in the summer we had done a joint VBS. Everything has left us saying, "Let's do this again!" I know why Satan doesn't like unity, it's so exciting! There is hope, Terry!

Anonymous said...

It does sound lovely, but will the congregations follow the open yearning of their leaders to move on? It is hard to press on when so many are shackled by traditions and fear of "doing the wrong thing". How can we become spririt filled and begin to see the whole Kingdom of God? I pray for the walls to fall. Love ya, Lynn

Anonymous said...

Psalm 133
Larry Wishard

JamesG3 said...

That's truly wonderful, Terry. I've known both kinds of preachers' gatherings. I've seen the eye-rolling, and I've enjoyed great fellowship (I really used to enjoy the youth ministers' meetings/lunches in the Texoma area).

It is kind of funny, though, that I read this on return to the office. I went to preachers' breakfast this morning and was the only one to show up. But there was great unity, mostly between the coffee, egg, and sausage. On the plus side, I got a month's worth of sermon topics lined out...and no one rolled their eyes!

Stoogelover said...

I might have gone to more preacher's luncheons had they been like that! The ones I attended seemed to be all about one-upmanship.

Lee Keele said...

What I would have given...

Unknown said...

May God be praised. Disunity is such a black eye on the church, but unity is so, so sweet.