Sunday, December 09, 2007


God is throwing Oklahoma a shower! It's an ice shower. Limbs are breaking, pathways are slick, and roadways are to be respected. Today, Sunday, we are having no church in "the" building. Scattered into family zones, we will have church in the buildings. Nonetheless, we are having church! We have it everyday. We are a part of His kingdom and the works fly with speed and distance and effectiveness....every day.

So here I am stepping up to my cyber-pulpit as we are beginning wireless church. What? We can't be ready for the sermon? And, why is that? Because we have not had our usual cyber-announcements. Of course. Therefore:
  • You need to know building church is cancelled.
  • Tonight's children's play practice and party are cancelled.
  • Be sure to bring plenty of cookies Wednesday evening as we have company coming! Lindbergh Elementary (our adopted public school) will be practicing their Christmas Program before all of us. Be ready to meet and greet!
  • We want to be in prayer for: Randy and Kerrie Rodriguez who left for Borger, Texas as her uncle Jim passed away; for Ben Gatewood as he recovers from surgery, for Max Mayes (Shawn's dad) who is recovering from heart surgery.

Now that we've sung a few songs from our hearts and the children have been dismissed to their cyber-rooms, here's today's thought:


It's quite odd to talk the way we do. Church is never cancelled. Meeting times are. At some distant points in our lives various ones of us believed church was encompassed in attendance at a building three times a week. The ones who punched the attendance clock each of the three times week after week and even year after year were considered to be the those who attended all three times.

Church is where believers in Christ are. True, it is always powerful when assembled. The thrust of spiritual awareness is capable of peak performance during those meetings. We need to be together. Yet, the church is no less the church when it is scattered. Such times are moments of His brilliance activity as well. There are those traveling through airports this morning who will miss kingdom opportunity because they think that since not in a church building it isn't a time for God. It surely is.

While many will read this from nearby cities, distant states, or far away countries, I basically write to my Memorial Drive friends this morning. We are having church! It is wherever we happen to be.'s not together in the flesh. in all is together in the spirit.

Now, shall we stand for one last cyber-song?


Matt said...

Church is still on in St. Petersburg, FL. :)

Stoogelover said...

Good sermon. How do I "come forward"?