Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Resentment and bitterness bully some by bullying through others. The Hatfields and the McCoys are infamous for their perpetuated barbs and threats. Living selfishly is not a good thing. A shift needs to take place....and, fortunately, it often does.

What would puncture the balloon of living out of sorts and being irritated toward others which would bring about needed deflation? Expensive gifts? Counselling? Separation? Move to another state? Avoidance? While many other possibilities loom at dismantling our uglier side, there seems to be one major source proving most effective. Impending death.

A recent Oprah guest is dying of pancreatic cancer. He explained that one of the marvels he's noted is how good people are. He said his neighbors are bombarding his family with generosity and gestures of deep kindness. Why this sudden bold move? Death looms. This dying man is noting the goodness in people. People are noticing this good dying man.

Harsh words seem to have a better chance as long as extended life is assumed. Isn't that a shame? Wouldn't it be better if we could speak words of life and hope as an every day pattern? Why do we have to wait 'til death begins to raise its head to let others know of our approval and sheer delight in them?

I have a friend in her mid-fifties dying of cancer. She has lived a life of steadily being upset, bent out of shape, and being easily offended. Now she's dying. Guess what she told me when we last visited? I'm finding it much easier to say I love you to those near me.

May we each get on with appreciating the abundant life God has afforded and extending kind words in every direction.


Jessie Rush-Cox said...

Do you have a bug on my phone, uncle? How intuitive you are to what is going on around you....and how predictable is my life right now?! Feuding, and not seeing eye to eye with the ones you are supposed to love is exhausting. It has stolen my joy for a couple of days and has even negatively affected those not involved-those that I interact with daily. When thinking about if you would rather a HORRIBLE relationship with a loved one, or to find out they are fatally ill....there is no thinking to be done. So maybe we could keep a better perspective, and hope we are not too late! I love you, favorite!

Stoogelover said...

I've seen this time and again ... one of life's paradoxes.