Sunday, September 16, 2007


(Yesterday I posted my review of Christopher Hitchens' book, god is not Great. You'll need to read that one first.)

My blog regarding my unfavorable review of Hitchens' book yesterday has been forwarded to him. I sent it. I didn't send it to "show him" or to win an argument or to join in on a yelling match between documented fools. I did it in effort to do something he would, at this time in his life his soul to Christ.

We must never be duped by the rigors of spiritual warfare and blindness into believing one could never change his mind. Nor, must we ever accept the temptation to hate disgusting opposers of the cross of Christ. We are most challenged to love even our enemies in an age when Christianity has many.

I thought about Hitchens reading my post the entire time I was writing it. I wrote from his perspective; frank, critical, and honest. He did not write a dishonest book as much as he wrote a piece from honest, yet blind, bias. We all have such a tendency. But, would it not be something if this man were to be a second Saul of Tarsus? It's happened to a many of us!

Bluntly, once Hitchens reads my post I doubt I'll be invited as a dinner guest. To make matters worse, if he learned I was trying to win him over I would likely be a target of his resentment. Yet, we must never give up on the Spirit of God extending redirective grace. It has been done and can be repeated. I wrote my rejection of his book with proving him wrong in mind; not about Christians or religion, but that apparent enemies can love which could only come from God.

For me to say or write anything to put Hitchens in his place just is not going to happen. We have an awkward combination; he's too smart and I'm admittedly dumb. Nor do I need to pop off at my keyboard in front of friendly blogvillers. What is needed is objection to his insulting material with a respect and love for his soul. I urge you to do two things:
  • Pray for him although he doesn't believe in it or want it.
  • Reach to your own found in opposition. With God weirder things are possible.


Franklin Wood said...

Terry, that's so cool! I was JUST sharing with our teens tonight about "let your speech be seasoned with salt" and "live such good lives among the pagans..." BOTH GREAT ways to put your faith to work.
I am praying that Mr. Hitchens' eyes will be drawn to your comment and that he will at least be intrigued by your comments.

Stoogelover said...

This doesn't surprise me at all, coming from you, Terry. Yes, we'll pray and yes, weirder things have come from God!