Monday, September 03, 2007


Happy Labor Day! God has given us a most wonderful work just down the street. I can't tell if God sent Memorial Drive the nearby Lindbergh Elementary School or if He sent Lindbergh the Memorial Drive Church of Christ. Either way, I'm loving it!

It always excites me to see the church move from its four walls and into the community. But this Lindbergh connection is such an amazing plus. Their staff is humble. They most naturally make us feel we are a welcomed team. Our partnership is entering its second year and I can't express enough greatness about their crew.

There's a Mrs. Nance who is the principal. Her ability to keep order without being Miss Bossy is fun to watch. Marilyn exemplifies grace and devotion. I learn positive leadership skills when around her. And then Jennifer and Claudia and Linda and Kathy and Dametta....and on and on is the roll call of a powerful unit of teachers and workers. I'm always telling Jennifer Campbell I think the parents are absolutely crazy about me. She just rolls her eyes....and laughs. And I may not know how to spell Dametta, but she has to be one of the most wonderful, delightful school nurses this side of Mars.

Our God is an awesome God. One of the best things He has done for this little congregation is give us opportunity to serve beside some of our best citizens in our community....public school teachers and staff. Memorial talks about this group as if we are all family. We don't just try to help where we can. We have fallen in love with the school: the entire staff, the children, the parents. Our hearts have surrendered. Memorial is not in partnership with Lindbergh out of religious duty. We team with them from hearts of respect, admiration, and love.

Really, I show up only in smattering situations. Jennifer Curtis and Jason Thornton are the main bolts for this wheel. Yet, I do enjoy my slightest interaction whether is be dropping in with special coffee for the secretaries or speaking at Library Night or packing a grocery bag with art supplies. As you can tell, I'm pumped about our public neighbor. We've needed them for a long time. Finally, we've met!

Lindbergh Elementary...................the Church of Christ down the street salutes you!


Stoogelover said...

Good for Memorial! How could parents not love the Rush guy?

Anonymous said...

Terry, your excitement for daily living in the Kingdom is what I admire most about you. Thanks for being my mentor by just who you are.

Liz Moore said...

May God continue to bless your efforts. What a great way to show Jesus with skin on!!

Anonymous said...

That will keep you from doing the work of the kingdom. It sounds as if you were in the wrong place but now you are found!

God bless,

Anonymous said...

This sounds amazing. The church I am a part of right now is considering "adopting" a school next to us and I would love the opportunity to learn from you about the process we are heading into. If you are willing to talk about it, here is my email.
