Sunday, July 08, 2007


During my term in the church some have noted that the church stays ten years behind the world. Much can be assumed as to the breadth of such a generality. It bugs ambitious leaders to believe we are directly tied to the Living Lord and constantly run a distant second. Erwin McManus wrote in An Unstoppable Force a most surprising comment. My goal is not to keep up with the changing world, but to be standing there waiting for it when it arrives. McManus continues that we need to be showing the world the way.

His sentence inspired me to adventure into thinking how it might appear if the church were ahead of the world. And then......I began to wonder if, indeed, we are ahead of the world. I think we are. Here are ten items I see the kingdom already knows while the world lags behind:
  • To live, die to self.
  • To keep, give away.
  • To be strong, use your weaknesses.
  • To win, lose.
  • To perpetually preserve in memory, consume weekly (Lord's Supper).
  • To win an argument, don't argue.
  • To get a lot done, don't engage in a lot of things. Focus.
  • To be effectively active, be still and know He is God.
  • To lead well, care about the reject.
  • To care about the reject, remember if it weren't for His mercy you would still be one.

Maybe we aren't so far behind after all. What would you add to the list?


Liz Moore said...

Great list!! Maybe... to feel fulfilled, serve others.

Anonymous said...

What does that mean "behind the world"? Who cares what the world is doing - as long as we are staying connected to Jesus. Now, will we touch the "world" if we are supposedly behind them? Of course, because it is not up to us - but up to God Himself.

I love your list - that just starts what we should be focusing on:

the beautitude
the fruits of the spirit
praying for unity

Terry, you are so correct - it is so easy to get distracted from our Creator and worry about where the world is going - thanks for reminding us to stay focused on where our Creator created us to go! That is when we will impact the world.
luv ya,

Unknown said...

I fully agree we are "out front" with those topics.

My challenge is, and where we are "behind" is how we are transmitting those messages. How do we "slip them into" a conversation or develop a lifestyle?

I also answer that for the "majority" of the church. I've really been preaching and living out the idea of relationships and allowing myself to "tag team" with God to connect the dots of them to my Savior.

My question comes from that "majority" that look to methods like, door knocking and Jule Miller filmstrips, as a way to communicate those messages. As great as they were, and the message is still the same, but the methods are different and we (as a church) can still lag behind. I'm working on getting people to use the principle of "showing Jesus" as ways of "sharing Jesus."

It is great list and it inspired me to see how "ahead" we are!