Wednesday, April 04, 2007


How do we gage whether we are making progress or impact? What gives us reason to believe we are making a positive, faithful difference for our Father's business? I've shifted my view and when I did the kingdom literally exploded into plain sight. Thus, I pass this along for those who might benefit from my experience.

Earlier I viewed kingdom work according to time. Now I perceive it according to seed. Time is of the flesh. While "in time" one can sense a goal is accomplished, it also can cause one to believe nothing happened.....yet. However, scripture speaks of seed.....sowing seed. When we sow seed the harvest may appear in our "time"; yet, it may appear in someone elses' time.

In knew of a young man exasperated because he could not persuade his high school buddy to be baptized. The young 19 year old accidentally suffocated in a ditch cave-in. A few days after his funeral his best friend was baptized.

A young woman told me at a workshop years ago about a couple back in her home state who were leading lives of terror. The man was converted and the wife was resentful of losing her partner-in-crime to the church. After he went to bed one evening she stayed up to draw up plans to bomb the church and kill the people. Once she completed her moves she noticed a small book I had written placed near the lamp beside her. Someone had given it to her husband. She read it through, awakened her husband immediately, and they made arrangements for her to be baptized in the night......while I was home sleeping.

God does the work. We sow the seed....just as the farmer....and God gives the increase.

Chart your course by time and you'll become frustrated over what doesn't develop. You are acting alone and you'll remain lonely. Develop a ministry of sowing seed which may mean others reap the harvest and you'll be productive as long as earth lasts. I am sowing seed today for God in areas that will produce more souls to be saved after I am gone than while I am here. The grave will not deter our effectiveness in the least. While we are out of sight, the seed keeps on producing.

Go crazy! Scatter the good seed. You are a winner of souls.....most of whom are yet to be born!


Josh Linton said...

Wow, thanks. Needed that. Appreciated that.

Josh Linton

Anonymous said...

That is a great post.

Patrick Sheaffer said...

Hello Friend,

It was so good to see you, Mary and your lovely family again. Thank you for your servant heart that freely gives and gives and gives to put the workshop together... I know that it takes a myriad of good folks all working in harmony just to get the workshop off the group each year. Thank you.

Thank you for sharing your heart with the world; for just stepping out into His arms, braving the waves. Thank you for raising amazing children; for Timmy whom I love with nearly every fiber in my being. Thank you for living with radical yet simple faith; loving, living and sharing as did He.

From the grandstands...

Liz Moore said...

You are so right. Thanks for the reminder. I think we sometimes try to work according to time because we forget who should get the glory. When we are working in time, we are trying to get the glory. When we just sow the seed and allow God to work, He gets the Glory!

Anonymous said...

Someday we will talk and I will tell you why I needed this today,
