Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Nothing New Under the Sun

Don Millican's article (yesterday's post), I think, has a larger message I wanted young leaders to note. Don wrote what many have felt or pondered, but had yet put into words. His thoughts are clear; yet, with such depth they continue to call for our sorting/wading through.

I draw your attention to the fact he did not parrot the norm. He thought past the coffee shop chatter and beyond the Bible study rhetoric. Whether facing acceptance or rejection, he went out on a limb with his idea.

Everyone has in-built dreams from God. I wonder how many life-changing, church-changing, eternity-changing concepts go unannounced because we forget to dream from God's ability. Walt Disney is reported to have said, "Anytime I propose a great idea to the board and it is unanimously rejected, I start work on the project immediately."

Walt Disney was a dreamer. Joseph was a dreamer. You are a dreamer. If one billion concepts have been successfully released upon mankind, there surely are a million billion mega-zillion ideas awaiting hatchment. All of the potential ideas have not yet been thought.

Do your best to cooperate in harmony with one another. Then, dare to imagine what could be if God were to land in the center of another great idea.

I'm glad Millican said what he did. I'm more encouraged that he said something in a way I had not yet heard. I believe it true, there is nothing new under the sun. However, for me, there're a lot of square miles under the sun unexplored.


JD said...



Love the way you use the language to communicate.

Anonymous said...

This makes me chuckle a bit. I was just talking to someone yesterday about a class I took many years ago on finding out what my spiritual gifts were. What the person came down to telling me was that I was not an "idea" person. I'm not the "dreamer." I may think I have good ideas, but they are pretty much just surface thoughts. They concluded that I'm more of a "doer" rather than a "dreamer".
I tried my hardest to not take offense to that at the time, but hey..I took the test so it was right!!!
I think of myself as a great BIG dreamer but just maybe don't have the spunk to step forward with my hopes and dreams for fear of failure or rejection.
I never let that stop my dreams in the past until I took this test and I let a silly little profile define my worth at the time.
Since then I took a different turn in life deciding to follow just a silly little dream...which is life changing for me. Regret it??? No. Love it...Yes. Wish timing was different...absolutely...but it's not my timing. It's His!

Anonymous said...


If you have time read this post from Brian Mashburn, and tell me what you think... Warning it's long.


Anonymous said...

The article is called my secret life of discipleship. Sorry the link does not work.


Clint said...


This is the type of encouragement you constantly give that has blessed my life for many years now. I was encouraged by it every year as a teenager at the Tulsa Workshop and now I get to hear it constantly at Memorial. I'm very blessed because of you and God speaking these truths through you.

You've helped to instill a couple of spiritual truths in my life.

1) God is so much bigger, more powerful, more creative, etc. than I can ever begin to fathom.

2) Although I am so incredibly weak and powerless, I can do crazy incredible amazing things simply because of my access to God's power.

And as ongoing proof, of all things, I'm suddenly now part of an effort that's planting "Christmas trees" in Uganda that helps both the environment and Ugandan church communities. Want to buy a tree in Uganda?