Monday, March 26, 2012


The Tulsa Workshop wrapped up its 37th year and it was a genuine Wow!

Many of my colleagues kept saying what the others had just told me, I know every year seems to be the best one, but this one really did.

I concur.

This was a very good year. Something is going on among us. I think it is the Holy Spirit of God.

For me, not every year has been the best year. Some have been poorly delivered and others have been poorly received.

It's just so wonderfully different these days. We, as His children, seem to be growing up. We still have our differences. But in these last three or four years there seems to be a hunger; a new hunger.

It seems the wounded are caravaning our direction to experience recovery so they can move back out into the fields. Some arrive for the reunion due to the loneliness where they serve. All of us soak in the wonder-words of our speakers.

I, personally, treasure in my heart much of what I heard from humble and wonderful speakers of the Word.

The Word still counts. The Lord still reigns. And souls are still our goal at the Tulsa Workshop.

I am very happy this Monday morning. Fatigue surely is a strong, but momentary, factor. However, I find overjoy to be the leading element of this Monday morning!

I am grateful....still!

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